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Q&A Using Flexsim and building models

Old 03-12-2012
Jens Mühlheimer Jens Mühlheimer is offline
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Default Search for cell and value

Hello everybody,

is it possible to search for a specific cell value depending on the itemtype of a flowitem?

I have multiple itemtypes (aprox. 30) and depending on the itemtype the Flowitems should be processed on different processors (A1, A2, B1, B2).

I.e.: Itemtype 12 is processed on A1, then on B1 / Itemtype 13 on A1, then on B2.

I want to set the outputport of my processors depending on the itemtype. Since I have quite a few itemtypes and different processors I want to use a GlobalTable for it.
My itemtypes equal the real part numbers, so I cannot get the value for the cell row using getitemtype(item).
I don't want the table to be static and say like "ItemType 12 is always in row 3", because I might have to include new itemtypes in the table. This is why I want to "search" my table for the corresponding row.

Thank you in advance!
Old 03-12-2012
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Hello Jens,

you can search your global table with a for loop

/**By Global Table Lookup*/
/** \nTable: */
string tablename = /**/"GlobalTable3"/**/; 
/** \nRow: */
int row = /**/1/**/; 
for(row;row <= gettablerows(tablename);row++)
    if(comparetext(gettablestr("GlobalTable3",row,1),getlabelstr(item,1))) // compare the string of the first label in the item
    break; // look for the right row and break out from the for loop
/** \nColumn: */
int col = /**/2/**/; // column of the Output port from the globaltable
return gettablenum(tablename,row,col)

instead of the break in if-statement you can use the command return, which is a bit shorter.

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Old 03-12-2012
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Hi Jörg,

first of all thanks a lot. I used your code, but can't get it running.

treenode item = parnode(1);
treenode current = ownerobject(c);
/**By Global Table Lookup*/
/** \nTable: */
string tablename = /**/"test"/**/; 
/** \nRow: */
int row = /**/1/**/; 
for(row;row <= gettablerows(tablename);row++)
   if(comparetext(gettablestr(tablename,row,1),numtostring(getitemtype(item)))) // compare the string of the first label in the item
   break; // look for the right row and break out from the for loop
/** \nColumn: */
int col = /**/2/**/; // column of the Output port from the globaltable
return gettablenum(tablename,row,col);
Somehow the for-loop doesn't break because of the if-statement but the limited for-statement and I can't figure out why.

I would be grateful if you might have a look at my test model.

Thank you,

// Tried something else and it worked, because I only use integers and no strings I can compare the data mathematically.
Still, I don't find the real error in the code above!

Anyways! Thanks a lot, Jörg!

treenode item = parnode(1);
treenode current = ownerobject(c);
/**By Global Table Lookup*/
/** \nTable: */
string tablename = /**/"test"/**/; 
/** \nRow: */
int row = /**/1/**/; 
for(row;row <= gettablerows(tablename);row++)
   if(gettablenum(tablename,row,1) == getitemtype(item))
/** \nColumn: */
int col = /**/2/**/; // column of the Output port from the globaltable
return gettablenum(tablename,row,col);
Attached Files
File Type: fsm search table.fsm (63.3 KB, 84 views)
Old 03-12-2012
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  if(comparetext(gettablestr(tablename,row,1),numtostring(getitemtype(item)))) // compare the string of the first label in the item
    break; // look for the right row and break out from the for loop
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Jens Mühlheimer (03-13-2012)
Old 03-12-2012
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Isn't this just as the example from the basic training?..

you use a table and a label. on the table each row is a itemtype, and each column is a step, on each cell you have the output port for that step.

then on the exit trigger of the processors(or the entry trigger of the queue) you set the set label to +1. On the send to port from the queue you just read from the table entering the itemtype and step of the process for the row and column.

not sure if i'm right but this sounds a lot like that...


Old 03-13-2012
Jens Mühlheimer Jens Mühlheimer is offline
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Originally Posted by Carsten Seehafer View Post
 if(comparetext(gettablestr(tablename,row,1),numtostring(getitemtype(item)))) // compare the string of the first label in the item
   break; // look for the right row and break out from the for loop
Hi Carsten,

I also used this code but it didn't do the trick. I don't know why ..
Old 03-13-2012
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I haven't tested Jörgs code, but the missing brackets jumped into my eyes. Please have a look into Flexsim Users Manual. There is a chapter "Writing Logic in Flexsim" in "Flexsim Coding". It's a good overview about the syntax.

If you set a break point in your code you can see what happen in every line in your code (also in User Manual, Modeling Tools > Flexscript Step Debugging).


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Jörg Vogel (03-13-2012)
Old 03-13-2012
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Hello Jens,

I compare two strings: one item label and stringvalue in a global table.
Because there is only one statement after the if-statement, I have not used the brackets.

I attach a small model, which works well for me.


port from a global table.fsm

Edit: The code is in the flow tab of each processor.

Last edited by Jörg Vogel; 12-03-2014 at 03:31 AM.
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Jens Mühlheimer (03-13-2012)
Old 03-13-2012
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Thank you for the great help.

I also got it running now. I added another search function (for-loop) to go through the columns and check them for the machine numbers which I get from a string label of a processor. Using this I can use one table to assigne the processors (with alternatives) for all part numbers.

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