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Q&A Using Flexsim and building models

Old 02-23-2012
Jack Lai Jack Lai is offline
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Default How to extract the result at queue??

After each simulation, the is a graph represent the "content vs time" in the queue.

Click image for larger version
Name:	content vs time.jpg
Views:	95
Size:	174.7 KB
ID:	1691

And I want to extract those data into an excel format. I record the time when a item entry/leave the queue. It seems ok for operating. But is there any easier and smart way to extract the data?? Thanks in advance.
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File Type: fsm content vs time (can record in global table).fsm (70.0 KB, 108 views)
Old 02-23-2012
Jack Lai Jack Lai is offline
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Many I also know is there any function to control the waiting time of a item in the queue?? For example, it will generate a random waiting time (eg: uniform(1,3) ) for a item when it entry the queue, and then the item wait until the time and pass to the next port. I tried the code on the OnEntry tigger of the queue:

but it doesn't work. Is it posssible to do it?? Thanks in advance.
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File Type: fsm count queue.fsm (44.8 KB, 84 views)
Old 02-23-2012
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Since you have already saved you data in a global table, you can extract the whole table to excel file by:

    excelopen(" /*your already existed excel file path*/ ");
    excelsetsheet("Sheet1");        excelexporttable("contentVStime",1,1,gettablerows("contentVStime"),gettablecols("contentVStime"));
Old 02-23-2012
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For waiting in a queue object, you can write code in OnEntry trigger to close output by closeoutput(). And send delay message to itself in this trigger with you expected waiting time.
And write code in OnMessage trigger to open output by openoutput().
Old 02-23-2012
Jack Lai Jack Lai is offline
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Let me explain more detail, I hope the item leave the queue base on a random time, not FIFO or LIFO.

For example, start with item A,B,C,D and their entry time is 1,2,3,4 respectively.

Item |Entry time | Stay time in queue | Leave time
A 1 10 11
B 2 3 5
C 3 1 4
D 4 5 9

So the item will leave base the leave time, when the time arrived, the related item leave the queue.
Old 02-24-2012
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See the attached small model.
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File Type: fsm test.fsm (68.7 KB, 86 views)
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Old 02-24-2012
Lars-Olof Leven Lars-Olof Leven is offline
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Hi Jack,

I would use a processor instead of a queue for your problem.
Change the maximum content in the processor and then under process time you set the delay time.

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Old 02-24-2012
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Hi Jack,

another way can be the combination of Do Not Release Item in the function Send To Port (Flow Tab), send delayed message and the command releaseitem( obj item, num output port)

Message parameters are numbers. Therefore the object item must be converted to a number and later back to a node. Commands are tonum(obj) and tonode(num)


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