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Q&A Using Flexsim and building models

Old 02-13-2012
George Serhan George Serhan is offline
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Default Outport control

I have a source with 2 different itemtypes that get conveyed on the same conveyor to 2 queues. First, I want certain itemtype to go into certain queue (itemtype 1 to queue 3, itemtype 2 to queue 4). The other requirement is if queue 3 for example is backed up, I still want itemtype 2 to go to queue 4 (they shouldn't be blocked). I tried using closeoutput and resumeoutput, but it didn't work. What logic should I use to accomplish this task. (Flexsim version 5.1.2) "model is attached"
Thanks in advanvce
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File Type: fsm Conveyor test.fsm (86.7 KB, 82 views)
Old 02-13-2012
Sebastian Hemmann's Avatar
Sebastian Hemmann Sebastian Hemmann is offline
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Hi Simulmaster,

for your little question I think your first idea had been good. Set one Source for each Itemtype. Now you only have to set in Flow Tab of your conveyor what itemtype should go to wich port.
The idea when one queue backs up should be to close the outputport of the source. Because this way you don´t block space on conveyor with waiting Items. To do this you will have to know the filling level you need.

Attached a small example. With settings in Flow Tab of Conveyor and in Triggers of the Queues. Filling level you can set on the labels on Queues. Problem with this solution will be, that there can be items on conveyor that you don´t count in Queue but allready left Source.
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File Type: fsm Conveyor_Test_SH.fsm (30.1 KB, 77 views)
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George Serhan (02-13-2012)

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