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Q&A Using Flexsim and building models

Old 10-26-2011
Posts: n/a
Default something wrong about command and RailAPIDLL

1、treenode nextnode = netnodefromrank(getnextnetnode(rankfromnetnode(cur rent), rankfromnetnode(node("/NN5",model()))));

the getnextnetnode() return num,but the tooltip tell me it return node; detail see picture.

2、and i know there are some bug in createrailpath(int fromedge, double fromdist, int toedge, double todist, int via_1, int via_2, int via_3).
so i see the RailAPIDLL,

there is some comand in "createrailpath".

“//edgenum: the output port of curnode that gets me to the next node
edgenum = getnextnode(curnode, lastnode);
//get a reference to curnode as an object
thenode = getnetnodemember(curnode);”

"getnextnode " and "getnetnodemember" are not exist in command list.
so i do not know whether exist "getnextnode " and "getnetnodemember" ,but not list in command . and what mean about "getnextnode " and "getnetnodemember" 。
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Old 10-26-2011
Posts: n/a

sorry ,I find getnextnode and getnetnodemember.

int getnextnode(int fromnoderank, int tonoderank){
int nrofcols = content(nnmembers()) + 1;
unsigned char * nextnodetable = (unsigned char *)bbgetbuffer(nnnextnodetable() );
return (int)nextnodetable [fromnoderank*nrofcols + tonoderank];
// getnetnodemember is quick access to the network's member table. Pass in the rank, and it will give you back the actual object.
fsnode* getnetnodemember(int noderank){
return ownerobject(tonode(get(rank(nnmembers(), noderank))));

Last edited by LINWEIXU; 10-27-2011 at 12:29 AM.

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