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Q&A Using Flexsim and building models

Old 08-18-2011
Daniel Braund Daniel Braund is offline
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Default Importing Timetables/Shift Patterns into Flexsim from Excel

Hi all,
I have a model that imports from Excel using ODBC after compiling. I have added Shift Patterns (in the same table format as Flexsim uses), and had hoped/assumed that pulling them into Flexsim would be as simple as using something like this:
//TimeTable xxx
//define position in tree where xxx Timetable exists....
time_table = node("MAIN:/project/model/Tools/TimeTables/xxx_Shifts>variables/table");
//Added the import of these variables, after I noticed that they weren't being updated after import:
max_row = dbgetnumrows();
max_col = dbgetnumcols();
row_loop = 2;
max_row_timetable = 2;
while ((stringtonum(dbgettablecell(row_loop,1)) > 0)&&(row_loop<=dbgetnumrows()))
    max_row_timetable = row_loop;
for(row = 1; row <= max_row; row++)
    for(col = 1; col <= max_col; col++)
            settablenum(time_table,row,col,stringtonum(dbgettablecell(row, col)));
The importer seems to work as far as putting the new timetable data in the TimeTable table, but the TimeTable object then does not seem to pick up the new contents of the TimeTable table correctly, and for example when a shorter Shift pattern is imported (say 21 rows rather than 42 rows), an exception occurs:
ime: 870.000000exception: Exception Caught in ObjectFunction245__project_library_TimeTable_behav iour_eventfunctions_OnTimerEvent object: /Tools/TimeTables/xxx_Shifts class: /Tools/TimeTables/MAGNOX_Shifts

time: 1080.000000exception: Exception Caught in ObjectFunction245__project_library_TimeTable_behav iour_eventfunctions_OnTimerEvent object: /Tools/TimeTables/xxx_Shifts class: /Tools/TimeTables/MAGNOX_Shifts

time: 1350.000000exception: Exception Caught in ObjectFunction245__project_library_TimeTable_behav iour_eventfunctions_OnTimerEvent object: /Tools/TimeTables/xxx_Shifts class: /Tools/TimeTables/MAGNOX_Shifts

time: 1350.000000exception: Exception Caught in ObjectFunction245__project_library_TimeTable_behav iour_eventfunctions_OnTimerEvent object: /Tools/TimeTables/xxx_Shifts class: /Tools/TimeTables/xxx_Shifts

time: 2055.000000exception: Exception Caught in ObjectFunction245__project_library_TimeTable_behav iour_eventfunctions_OnTimerEvent object: /Tools/TimeTables/xxx_Shifts class: /Tools/TimeTables/MAGNOX_Shifts

The exceptions are occuring on the times present in the old timetable.
This makes me think that I need to run some code to update the TimeTable object with the new timetable table data. I tried adding
but this had no effect. I assume that some code is called by flexsim when the Apply or OK buttons are pressed in the TimeTable dialog, but I haven't been able to figure out where it is.

Has anyone managed to do this successfully? What am I missing?

Old 08-18-2011
Daniel Braund Daniel Braund is offline
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I have done some more testing, and it appears that the problem occurs on any of our workstations running Flexsim 5.1.2 under Windows XP 32-bit, but does not appear on workstations running Flexsim 5.1.2 under Windows 7 64-bit.
In both instances Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express is installed, and being pointed to correctly in the compiler options.

Very strange.

Old 08-19-2011
Daniel Braund Daniel Braund is offline
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Big thanks to Juan Segui at Saker Solutions, who has kindly pointed out that I have tied myself in knots with my Table resizing. Once simplified, the code works:
//TimeTable xxx dbchangetable("odbc_tt_xxx"); //define position in tree where xxx Timetable exists.... time_table = node("MAIN:/project/model/Tools/TimeTables/xxx_Shifts>variables/table"); //Added the import of these variables, after I noticed that they weren't being updated after import: setnodenum(node("MAIN:/project/model/Tools/TimeTables/xxx_Shifts>variables/repeattime"),gettablenum("Data_ShiftPeriod",2,3)); setnodenum(node("MAIN:/project/model/Tools/TimeTables/xxx_Shifts>variables/rows"),gettablenum("Data_ShiftPeriod",2,4)); max_row = dbgetnumrows(); max_col = dbgetnumcols();  settablesize(time_table,max_row,max_col,DATATYPE_NUMBER); for(row = 1; row <= max_row; row++) {     for(col = 1; col <= max_col; col++)     {             settablenum(time_table,row,col,stringtonum(dbgettablecell(row, col)));     } }

excel, timetable

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