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Q&A Using Flexsim and building models

Old 02-19-2011
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Question Fast-food Restaurant Model

Hi, all.
I try to make a simple fast-food restaurant model, but I failed several times.
So, I ask for help here.

What I want to model is like below.
1. a customer comes to the register and place an order
2. a employee takes an order, go to a drink station, pick up a drink, and give a drink to customer
3. and then a employee goes to a food chute, pick up a food, and give a food to customer
4. finally customer leaves the register and repeat this cycle again when new customer comes to the register

Is there anyone who can help model this?
I indeed do not know how to customer gets a drink after a employee pick up a drink.

I will indeed appreciate your help.
Old 02-21-2011
David Chan David Chan is offline
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I took the challenge to try it out. It is still not perfect, you might to try it out. My idea is to use the customer to create 2 token, one for drink and one for food. The operator will carry the token to the respective station and come back. You then need to differentiate the token between fresh from customer and after processed.

Good luck!

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Old 02-21-2011
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Default Thank you so much.

I indeed appreciate it, David Chan.
I have another question for you.
I know you worked this model with the trigger.
I just changed the customer type as a flow-executer in your model.
Is it possible this customer to pick up these two tokens created by you?
I looked at the supermarket model before, and there customers pick up several items and put them in their carts while they are shopping in the supermarket.
What I tried to do was that customers pick up their drink and food as they receive their food and drink and exit carrying these two items.
How can I assign this task to the flow-executer?

PS: I attached the model with the customer as a flow-executer.
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Old 02-24-2011
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I did not use taskexecutor flowitem but I use flownode. If you want to use, that you need to configure "Use transport" to use TE flowitem for network path.

I add a combiner for the customer to collect the food. I also place a code in the last flownode to position the stuff.

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Old 02-25-2011
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Smile Thanks a lot.

I indeed appreciate it.
This is the simulation that I wanted to implement.
Thank you.

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Fast Food Restaurant Model Questions Jarrett Skov Q&A 3 02-10-2011 08:41 PM

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