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I am new to Flexsim but not new to Simulation, I have used Witness extensively. I want to simulate a gantry robot picking parts from a processor and dropping onto a conveyor. I intend to used the crane object. However the problem I want to get round if possible is that when the gantry crane is over the drop off area on the conveyor it needs to take control of the conveyor and possibly wait in a hover position for a gap to arrive on the conveyor (there are other parts on the conveyor). The drop off zone is controlled using photo eyes. So my question is: Is it possible to pause the crane mid-movement and execute logic? Any Help is greatly appreciated Anthony Timmiss Here's one way I might do it. First, dispatch a tasksequence to the crane that was made up of the following task types:
Good luck, Cliff Thanks Cliff I will give that a try you've understood what I want to do perfectly. Looks like I have a bit of reading up to do! Thanks Anth have uploaded a small model that demonstrates a method very similar to what Cliff has explained above. Instead of the CALLSUBTASKS, it uses a SENDMESSAGE followed by a UTILIZE task. The OnMessage of a Dummy Queue is fired (instead of the crane) where the decision whether or not to free the crane to continue and UNLOAD is made. The zone Cliff described is defined by the photoeye and OnExit of the first conveyor. I hope this helps. Kris Geisberger Thanks Kris That looks excellent. I will have a look trhough this later this week and make sure I understand what you've done. Thanks Again Anth Last edited by Bill Nordgren; 08-02-2007 at 06:37 PM. |