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Q&A Using Flexsim and building models

Old 12-13-2010
shafizad shafizad is offline
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Default MAX content is over passed!

Could someone let me know the possible reasons that an object (like queue) might accept more than its max content?

I believe it has to do with creating task sequences that unload the flowitem without caring about the max content of queue.
Old 12-13-2010
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Default Just a model to show you one case of my concern!

Model is attached; Return 0 at "Send to Port" of the Queue3 is the cause of trouble, here.
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Old 12-13-2010
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I think you changed the code of your tasksequence example and replaced the variable "port" with 1.

This means that althought the queue3 has determined that after the first product, the remaining products should go to queue 4 (which has a capacity of 1000 so more then enough space) the tasksequence sends it to queue1 ( by using the reference to queue1: "outobject(current,1)" in stead of the original "outobject(current, port)" in which port returns the portnumber that was returned when evaluating the Send to port function)
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Old 12-13-2010
Lars-Olof Leven Lars-Olof Leven is offline
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There is few cases when an object in Flexsim will accept more items then max content.

First is when you use any of BasicFR, BasicTE or BasicConveyor.

The second time is when you use your own task sequence, as you see in your model.
Your model is behaving correct.

If you take a look at your code and the code that come with Flexsim you will see a differences.

Your code:
treenode ts = createemptytasksequence(centerobject(current,1),0,0);
Flexsim code:
treenode ts = createemptytasksequence(centerobject(current,1),0,0);
You are always telling Flexsim to unload in the object that is connected your outport 1 and in your case it is Queue1.
You are overriding what send to port is suggesting.
If you print out the value of port in Send To Port on Queue3 you will see that only port 1 is selected once and then it will be port 2.
While Flexsim example is using the port that was returned by Send To Port.

Hope this gives you some explanation.

Steven was faster to answer then me.

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Steven Hamoen (12-13-2010)

max content

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