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Q&A Using Flexsim and building models

Old 09-13-2009
DilAmaya DilAmaya is offline
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Default THIS IS A CHALLENGE! tasksequence question regarding one forklift and 20 queues

i dont know how to assign a task sequence to my transporter in which he most evaluate if the queue has its bacth complete and dispatch it, and then dispatch queue 2 if it has its batch complete and queue 3 and so on, in order.

I have tried but, in the end, the transporters come back to queue 1 once the source has completed filling the batch.
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Old 09-13-2009
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First, it is very hard to understand exactly what you are trying to do because you have not named the queues in your model. So there isn't a "Queue 3" like you state in your post.

Second, I notice that you are batching 12 items in the long queues but you only accept 10 in the small queues. This makes it so that only 10 are dispatched when the long queues try to release the items. This results in 2 items being left in the queue waiting for the fork lift while it goes to pick up items from a queue that reached its batch size later. You should really consider increasing the max content on the smaller queues.

Third, Are you trying to get the forklift to go to "Queue 1" then to "Queue 2" like some sort of round robin thing? Or are you trying to get it to go to the queues in order that they reached their max batch size?

Good Luck,
thats not normal.

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