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Q&A Using Flexsim and building models

Old 07-25-2009
shivrash shivrash is offline
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Default Flowitem placement in Rack?

I am doing a model wherein there are three jobs and they have to be placed correctly in each of the columns in the rack i.e., 1st column should take on 1st type of job, 2nd column shold take on 2nd type of job and so on..
NOw, what is happening in my model, the transporter is correctly placing the jobs in each of the columns but endlessly.
(I) How to limit the size of each cell in a column? (Transporter goes on placing the objects beyond the physical size of call of rack)
(II) Once the three columns are used up (full) after placing the jobs, then the transporter should place the jobs in next three columns. How can we do this?

Please help...
Old 07-27-2009
Rachid Kolfin Rachid Kolfin is offline
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Rachid Kolfin will become famous soon enoughRachid Kolfin will become famous soon enough
Default Flowitem placement in Rack?

If you do not add any extra restrictions, the rack can be filled until it reaches its maximum content (usually around 1000000000.00). This does not depend on the the positions within the rack. If you take a look at the rack object you will see the "Place in Bay" and the "Place in Level" triggers. In these triggers you can use the commands "rackgetbaycontent" and "rackgetcelcontent" to look at the current contents in specific positions in the rack. By doing this you are able to build your own logic for placing items (depending on the content of the rack). You can use these triggers in the same way that you would use a normal "Send To Port" trigger (only it is within the object itself).


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Old 07-27-2009
shivrash shivrash is offline
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Originally Posted by Rachid Kolfin View Post
If you do not add any extra restrictions, the rack can be filled until it reaches its maximum content (usually around 1000000000.00). This does not depend on the the positions within the rack. If you take a look at the rack object you will see the "Place in Bay" and the "Place in Level" triggers. In these triggers you can use the commands "rackgetbaycontent" and "rackgetcelcontent" to look at the current contents in specific positions in the rack. By doing this you are able to build your own logic for placing items (depending on the content of the rack). You can use these triggers in the same way that you would use a normal "Send To Port" trigger (only it is within the object itself).


Rachid Kolfin
Thanks Rachid

But, what @ 2 question? How can we give the message that once the bay is filled up, it should go to the next bay ?
Old 07-28-2009
Anthony Timmiss Anthony Timmiss is offline
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Anthony Timmiss will become famous soon enoughAnthony Timmiss will become famous soon enough

Assuming each set of 3 columns is a separate rack if you fill them up using the 'Next Available' command on the upstream object you should see that the first rack is filled, then the second and then the third.
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