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Old 08-18-2012
mearjun mearjun is offline
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Default How to use stopobject command in between processes on a Multiprocessor?

Hello everybody.. Its a simple question .. I am trying to use stopobject(current,STATE_WAITING_FOR_OPERATOR) command on the onprocessfinish trigger on a multiprocessor with a condition if (opnum == 2). But instead of stopping, multiprocessor continues working and gets blocked at the end after all the processes finish.
What is that I am doing wrong..?
And how do I do this if I need to stop the Multiprocessor after a certain process. ?
Old 09-05-2012
Kris Geisberger Kris Geisberger is offline
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You would need to use a senddelayedmessage with a delaytime of 0, then call stopobject in the OnMessage.

The fact that you are using STATE_WAITING_FOR_OPERATOR makes me want to ask what you are trying to accomplish with this approach?
Old 09-10-2012
mearjun mearjun is offline
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thanks for replying.. i had actually already found a solution for this.. what i was trying to accomplish is that since i have written a custom task-sequence for calling an operator for the processes.. i wanted the multiprocessor to stop.. and then wait for the operator and once the operator completes the travel task i wanted it to end the stopobject command..
I figured out that i can put a stopobject task within the tasksequence.. i put that task before travel and then finished the command after the travel task..

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