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Downloads  Airport Security : This model evaluates passenger waiting times through an airport security checkpoint. Passengers and baggage are screened. A certain percentage of passengers must go through additional screening at hand wanding stations. A certain percentage of baggage must go through an additional sniff test. From a technical standpoint, this model is a good example of how to use taskexecuter flowitems that can travel a network like a taskexecuter but be processed like a flowitem. There are some tricks to having the people walk towards the end of the line of people in a queue and then move into the queue object with the rest of the people. Thi ... [more] (682.3 KB) 02-04-2014 2011 0
Downloads  Supermarket : This model demonstrates a picking operation in a supermarket. Shoppers enter the model with a randomly generated shopping list. A task sequence is created for them as they enter the model to travel and pick up all their groceries from appropriate shelves. Some shoppers are sent to the deli where they choose their meat and have it sliced by the worker. When they are done shopping they receive a task to travel to the shortest checkout line to pay for their groceries. This upgraded model no longer takes long to open and allows the user to interact with the model. Play around with the number of cache registers that are open at a tim ... [more] (4.34 MB) 02-04-2014 1947 0
Downloads  Bottling Line : This is a model of Flexsim's own green ooze bottling plant! Starting from raw plastic the bottles are created with an injection molding machine and then blown to size with a blow molding machine. We then follow the course of the bottles as they are cleaned, filled, capped, labeled, and boxed. This model is a good example of some visual tricks you can do to make your models look better. Changing frames of the object at different stages in the process to show it's progress. This is a Flexsim v7.0 model that contains all media within the same file as the model; and can therefore, be saved to any directory on your computer. (3.12 MB) 02-04-2014 2118 0

DownloadsII 5.1.2 by CyberRanger & Jelle
Based on ecDownloads 4.1 © Ronin

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