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This model is an example how to model multiple processors and multiple operators only using one processor.
The number of processors is the label TotalNumberOfProcessors of the processor, which sets the max content of the processor.
The number of operators is the label TotalNumberOfOperators on the processor, which is used to control the input of the processor.
All the code is on the processor. In the trigger OnEntry and OnProcessFinish the labels get updated and the input gets controlled.
The OnCustomDrawCode shows some information and calculate them.
Because it might not be sure that a 3D view is open the OnMessage of the processor was introduce to update the labels on the processor. The OnMessage is fired if an item arrives or leaves the queue and the process starts at the processor.
The tricky bit was to figure out the number of precessors waiting for an operator. If there are more data/statistics needed like how long processors are waiting for an operator more code and data collection is needed.
Do not delete or rename the object Logo_FlexsimD, because otherwise the model will not work correctly. Also do not rename, delete or re-rank other objects.