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Downloads [Download Sample_MilkrunKanbanSystem_TD]
File Name: Sample_MilkrunKanbanSystem_TD (77.4 KB) Download
Author: Tom David)
Date Added: 05-20-2009
Downloads: 2885
Grade: Not Rated

This is an example on how to model a kanban system with a milk train system.

There are four different item types in stock and if they reach a limit new items getting ordered and produced. Via a milk train these items getting transported into the stock. The items are on pallets and one of the questions to answer is how many pallets are in the system. Other questions are how often the milk train should run.

The main idea for the milk train is that all pallets for a run are collected in one queue. In this queue the pallets are sorted by item type, which is the order of the stations for the milk train.
Another queue (order queue) in front of this milk train queue collects all orders. The milk train queue is the capacity limit for the milk train which is in the moment just an amount, but could be something else (volume, weight, etc.) and than just controled by this queue.
The milk train is an operator. To model the schedule of the milk train the input of the operator is closed and will be opened (OnMessage) if the milk train should run.
The whole tasksequence for the milk train is generated (Use Transport / Request Transport from on the milk train queue).

There is a label for showing a screen message and change the runspeed if the milk train starts. If these labels are set to one the screen message is shown and the run speed is set to slow.
In the Control GUI is a button to lock the view to the milk train.

Do not delete or rename the object Logo_FlexsimD, because otherwise the model will not work correctly. Also do not rename, delete or rerank other objects.



Tom David
tom the (A)tom

Flexsim Version: v5.02
Tom David on 05-20-2009
Downloads [Download Sample_MilkrunKanbanSystem_TD]


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