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This model is an example for a Tilt-Tray-Conveyor.
An example of carousel type conveyor which uses the moveobject command to load and unload flowitems to and from the trays on the photo eye conveyor.
Trays tip as flowitems exit the conveyor trays (modified pallets). Carousel conveyor is a single conveyor connected to itself.
In the Model Control GUI the user can define the number of trays and can also watch some results. After an hour of simulation a message occurs
to give some information.
The idea is that the user can do some experiments with the number of trays and examine the output of the conveyors.
The original model is from Cliff King, with some modifications from tom the (A)tom, e.g. make it a non-compile v4 model and added the GUI.
Do not delete or rename the object LogoFlexsimD, because otherwise the model will not work correctly. Also do not rename, delete or rerank other objects.