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This model simulates the need to process item x at the same time as item y, but possibly on different lines.
Open the bottom (Source6 in the model) Source’s Parameters window, click the SourceTriggers tab, and add a function to the OnExit trigger using the SetItemtypeandColor option. You do not need to alter the blue text for this example. (The default is duniform(1,3)) Click OK to close the Parameters window
Open the bottom (Processor8) Processor’s Parameters window, click the ProcessorTriggers tab, and add a function to the OnEntry trigger using the SendMessage option. Edit the blue text to read as follows:
To: centerobject(current,1)
From: current
Param1: 0
Param2: 0
Param3: 0
Condition: getitemtype(item)==2
Click OK to close the Parameters window.
Open the top (Source2) Source’s Parameters window, and on the Source tab, select ByExpression for the Inter-Arrivaltime, and enter 1. Click OK to close the Parameters window.
Open the top (Processor4) Processor’s Parameters window, click the ProcessorTriggers tab, and add a function to the OnReset trigger using the CloseandOpenPorts option. Edit the blue text to read as follows:
Condition: 1
Action: closeinput
Object: current
Add a funtction to the OnMessage trigger using the CloseandOpenPorts option. Edit the blue text to read as follows:
Condition: 1
Action: openinput
Object: current
Add a function to the OnExit trigger using the CloseandOpenPorts option. Edit the blue text to read as follows: