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This model simulates a delay time between flowitems, which could represent cleaning time, setup time, etc.
Open the Processor’s Parameters window, click the ProcessorTriggers tab, and add a function to the OnMessage using the CloseandOpenPorts option. Edit the blue text to read as follows:
Condition: 1
Action: openinput
Object: current
Add a function to the OnProcessFinish trigger using the CloseandOpenPorts option. Edit the blue text to read as follows:
Condition: 1
Action: closeinput
Object: current
Add another function to the OnProcessFinish trigger using the SendMessage option. (NOTE: You may add as many functions as you like to each trigger) Edit the blue text to read as follows:
To: current
Delay Time: 10
Param1: 0
Param2: 0
Param3: 0
Condition: true