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A sample model to show how to model a floor storage.
Items arrive and get randomly transported into four racks.
The racks (RackABCD) have space for twenty items. If the first item arrives a random number is generated to define how many items will be stored in this rack before it gets emptied.
The transport from the racks to the sink has higher priority than the transport from the queue to fill up the racks again.
As closer a rack is to the sink as higher is the priority for the transport.
For the transporter are own tasksequences defined to visualize the transportation and filling of the rack in a nice looking way.
Code can be found:
SourceA OnCreation
QueueA Request Transport From
Rack ABCD Request Transport From
The view to the Transporter logs the view on the transporter. The code for this can be found on the transporter (OnReset, OnMessage, CustomDrawCode).
The flowitem (Container) shows an information.
This information is the label "ContentOfContainer" and models that the container has an amount of products in it. This label is added at the OnExit of the Source.
The code for this functionality (showing a label on a flowitem) can be found in:
- Node TD_Nodefunctions under Tools.
- Node OnDraw of the Container (behaviour/
eventfunctions) in FlowItemBin.
To make it working it is also important to delete the nodes 'noondraw' and 'nopredraw' under visual of the flowitem.
Do not delete or rename the object Logo_FlexsimD, because otherwise the model will not work correct. Also do not rename, delete or rerank other objects.