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Downloads [Download Labels_Counting]
File Name: Labels_Counting (72.0 KB) Download
Author: Tyson Nordgren)
Date Added: 06-23-2008
Downloads: 2086
Grade: Not Rated
This model simulates 3 types of a product that need to be counted.

Model Specific Implementation
  • Drag out a Source, Conveyor, Sink, and three Visual Tools.2.Open the Parameters window of the Source, click the Source Triggers tab, and add a function to the OnExit trigger using the Set Itemtype and Color option. The default blue text will work for this model
  • Open the Properties window of the Conveyor, and create three Number Labels called it1, it2, and it3. Make sure to do these in the correct order (1, then 2, then 3).
  • Open the Conveyor’s Parameters window, click the Triggers tab, and add a function to the OnConveyEnd trigger using the Increment Value option. Change the blue text to read as follows:
Node: label(current, getitemtype(item))
Increment By: 1
  • Add a function to the OnReset trigger of the Conveyor using the Set Label option. Edit the blue text to read as follows:
Object: current
Label: “it1”
Value: 0
Repeat this step two times, using “it2,” and “it3.”
  • Open one of the Visual Tool’s Parameters window. Change the Visual Display to Text, then in the Text Display list, select Display Label Value. Edit the blue text to read as follows:
Text: “Item 1: “
Object: centerobject(current,1)
Label: “it1”
Repeat this step for the other Visual Tools, except you will input Item 2 and it2, or Item 3 and it3 for the second and third Visual tools.

General Implementation
  • If you are going to count itemtypes, set the itemtype in the most convenient location for your model. This is usually done in the OnExit trigger of the Source, but could be different. If you are using labels to distinguish the types of products, create a label on the class of flowitem you will use in the Flowitem Bin.
  • Create a label on the object that will count the flowitems. Use as many labels as there are types of flowitems. To count the flowitems, the Increment Value option works very well. Use the OnReset trigger to reset the counters whey you reset the model.
  • Configure Visual Tools to display the label value that you used to count the different flowitems. The Display Label Value option on the Visual Tool works very well for this.
Ben Wilson on 10-16-2008
Downloads [Download Labels_Counting]


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