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Bypass Network Example : This model is an example of how to create a bypass area in a node network. Traffic controllers allow you to specify how many task executors are in an assigned area, but they do not give you the option of moving around the area if there is another way.
This model shows two transporters moving through the same network segment. The segment only allows objects travelling in the same direction to travel on the path together. If the task executor is moving in the opposite direction, it is routed to a secondary path and continues to move. (49.0 KB)
Messages_OpeningClosingPorts : This model simulates the need to process item x at the same time as item y, but possibly on different lines.
Open the bottom (Source6 in the model) Source’s Parameters window, click the SourceTriggers tab, and add a function to the OnExit trigger using the Set Itemtype and Color option. You do not need to alter the blue text for this example. (The default is duniform(1,3)) Click OK to close the Parameters window
Open the bottom (Processor8) Processor’s Parameters window, click the ProcessorTriggers tab, and add a function to the OnEntry trigger using the Send Message option. Edit the bl ... [more] (54.3 KB)
Message_DelayingProcesses : This model simulates a delay time between flowitems, which could represent cleaning time, setup time, etc.
Open the Processor’s Parameters window, click the ProcessorTriggers tab, and add a function to the OnMessage using the Close and Open Ports option. Edit the blue text to read as follows:
Condition: 1
Action: openinput
Object: current
Add a function to the OnProcessFinish trigger using the Close and Open Ports option. Edit the blue text to read as follows:
Condition: 1
Action: closeinput
Object: current
Add another function to the OnProcessFinish trigger using the Send Messag ... [more] (47.4 KB)
Messages_CreatingFlowitems : Messages_CreatingFlowitems
When Itemtype 2 is processed, 10 flowitems are generated downstream to be combined with it.
Model Implementation:
Open the Source’s Parameters window, click the SourceTriggers tab, and add a function to the OnCreation trigger using the Set Itemtype and Color option. Edit the blue text to read as follows:
Flowitem: item
Itemtype: duniform(1,3)
Click OK
Open the Processor’s Parameters window, click the ProcessorTriggers tab, and add a function to the OnExit trigger using the Send Message option. Edit the blue text to read as follows:
To: centerobject(current,1)
Delay Time: 0
Fro ... [more] (57.2 KB)
0 : This model simulates a Queue that has a weight limit (default 100 units) that cannot be exceeded. Play with the process time and maximum weight to get custom results.
Model Implementation:
Open the Flowitem Bin and create a label on the Textured Colored Box called weight.
Open the Queue’s Properties window, and create two labels, called maxweight and currentweight respectively.
Open the Source’s Parameters window, click the SourceTriggers tab, and add a function to the OnCreation trigger using the Set Label option. Edit the blue text to read as follows:
Object: item
Label: “weight”
Value: uniform(5,10)
Clic ... [more] (53.2 KB)
Labels_Counting : This model simulates 3 types of a product that need to be counted.
Model Specific Implementation
Drag out a Source, Conveyor, Sink, and three Visual Tools.2.Open the Parameters window of the Source, click the Source Triggers tab, and add a function to the OnExit trigger using the Set Itemtype and Color option. The default blue text will work for this model
Open the Properties window of the Conveyor, and create three Number Labels called it1, it2, and it3. Make sure to do these in the correct order (1, then 2, then 3).
Open the Conveyor’s Parameters window, click the Triggers tab, and add a function to the OnConveyEnd ... [more] (72.0 KB)
Labels_ProcessTime : This model Simulates three different types of a product, which each need to be processed a certain amount of time.
Model Specific Implementation:
1. In the Flowitem Bin, create a label on the Textured Colored Box
called type.
2. Add a function to the OnExit trigger of the Source using the
Set Label option. Edit the blue text to read as follows:
Object: Item
Label: "type"
Value: duniform(1,3).
3. Add another function to the OnExit trigger of the Source using
the Set Color by Value option. Edit the blue text to read as
Value: getlabelnum( ... [more] (44.3 KB)
1 : Labels_Routing
This model simulates 3 different types of a product that need to be sorted.
Model Specific Implementation
1. In the Flowitem Bin, create a label on the Textured Colored Box
called type.
2. Add a function to the OnExit trigger of the Source using the
Set Label option. Edit the blue text to read as follows:
Object: Item
Label: "type"
Value: duniform(1,3).
3. Add another function to the OnExit trigger of the Source using
the Set Color by Value option. Edit the blue text to read as
Value: getlabelnum(item,"type&q ... [more] (44.1 KB)