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Downloads  COM Object for controlling Flexsim : Hey Everyone, Here's a COM object that I've created to allow remote control of Flexsim, i.e. through Excel, HTML, or anything that supports COM. First, unzip the FlexsimRPC folder to your libraries directory. Then double click on registerdll.bat to register the COM object. I've put together two examples, found in the examples folder. One is an Excel spreadsheet. There are two files, one for Excel 2007 and one for previous Excel versions. Through the spreadsheet I have set up my own little experimenter on a model that varies the number of operators. It doesn't use Flexsim's experimenter, but just sets the scenarios on its own. You' ... [more] (1.01 MB) 01-02-2009 3345 3
Downloads  Operators Library : Unzip the archive and put the resulting Operators directory in your Flexsim4/libraries/ folder. In Flexsim, go to View>Library Icon Grid to open the Flexsim Library window. From the Library window, go to File>Load Libraries... and choose Operators.fsl from Flexsim4/libraries/Operators/. You will now see a new library opened in the Library window consisting of various operator types. For Flexsim version 5+, you will need to select the option "Draw Walking Operator" in the Custom Draw Code trigger on each operator in order to animate their walking. Enjoy! (2.12 MB) 10-02-2008 3274 3
Downloads  Articulated Robot Library : The Articulated Robot object (AR) was derived from the need to have a more visually accurate representation of a commonly used multi-axis robot. It is important to note that a Flexsim user can perform a complete robot production line study with the standard Processor and MultiProcessor objects, however the AR aids the verification process and increases the believability of your model. Unzip contents to the Flexsim4\libraries folder. The zip file contains a detailed help document that must be read before loading the library. Post comments and questions to the related thread: /showthread.php?t ... [more] (698.6 KB) 06-10-2008 4616 0
Downloads  Rail API Library and Sample Model : This is a library that implements articulated motion for rail cars. The library is mostly a set of commands that lets you create trains and move them across network paths like a train would travel across a rail. Unzip to your Flexsim5\libraries directory, load the library through the library icon grid. Included with the download is a sample model that implements a very simple sequence of moves for a train, to help you get started. The entire logic of the model is implemented in the script window that opens with the model. Just execute the script and watch the train move. Also there is a pdf with documentation for each of the comm ... [more] (489.7 KB) 04-08-2008 3353 6
Downloads  Pulsing Conveyor : Pulsing Conveyor You can configure this object by the following 3 labels on the object: Takt is time between movements in Minutes. Speed is the conveyorspeed in m/s. Dist is the distance to convey in each pulse in m. [email protected] (5.1 KB) 01-19-2008 2590 1
Downloads  Model Maintenance Wizard v3 : The purpose of this wizard is to help people: 1) convert C++ code into flexscript code so their models will run without compiling in v4. 2) find broken and absolute referencing problems with media files in their models. 3) guide them through adding a new customizable model control gui that will be standard on all future Flexsim display models. 4) guide them through cleaning up problems with making a model ready to be shared on the community. This is a user library file and must be loaded through the File menu of Flexsim's Library window. Upon loading, a wizard of sorts will pop up. If you close the wizard, you can open it again b ... [more] (60.7 KB) 08-23-2007 2418 0

DownloadsII 5.1.2 by CyberRanger & Jelle
Based on ecDownloads 4.1 © Ronin

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