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Downloads  X Pie Factory : THIS IS A VERSION 4.52 MODEL. VERSION 6 MODELS ARE AVAILABLE AT /downloadPages/cat&id=38 This model was created for the new Flexsim textbook that is currently being worked on. It is a very visual model with animated machines. The model follows the process of making pies and contains a fun scenario so the user can interact with the "Pie-O-Matic". (1.13 MB) 09-22-2009 6041 2
Downloads  X Overhead Rail : This model demonstrates the use of an overhead rail system. Cassettes of wafers are transferred around the factory by a series of cars that circle the track. The cars receive notification of what cassettes are available for transfer and where they need to be delivered next. You have the ability to play around with the number of cars on the track and their initial spacing. (1.41 MB) 05-11-2009 2848 0
Downloads  X_Roller Coaster : This is a simulation model of an amusement park roller coaster ride. The model was used to study the effect of various ride parameters on the waiting time of park guests. Using the control tab, you can easily experiment with several variables in the model such as guest inter-arrival times, number of cars, car spacing on the track, car capacity, and passenger load times. It has been visually enhanced since the last version. This is a Flexsim v4.52 model with all media contained within the same directory as the model; and can therefore, be saved to any directory on your computer. (2.95 MB) 05-05-2009 2518 0
Downloads  X_Supermarket : THIS IS A VERSION 4.32 MODEL. VERSION 6 MODELS ARE AVAILABLE AT /downloadPages/cat&id=38 This model demonstrates a picking operation in a supermarket. Shoppers enter the model with a randomly generated shopping list. A task sequence is created for them as they enter the model to travel and pick up all their groceries from appropriate shelves. Some shoppers are sent to the deli where they choose their meat and have it sliced by the worker. When they are done shopping they receive a task to travel to the shortest checkout line to pay for their groceries. This upgraded model no longer ta ... [more] (4.30 MB) 01-13-2009 6705 5
Downloads  X_Robotic_Palletizing_Cell : This is a model of an automated palletizing facility. Boxes are conveyed to one of twelve palletizing cells where a robot will stack the boxes on a staged pallet. Full pallets are transported to a pallet wrapping machine by a fork truck. This is a Flexsim v4.5 model with all media contained within the same directory as the model; and can therefore, be saved to any directory on your computer. (3.20 MB) 01-13-2009 2632 0
Downloads  X_Highway_Traffic : This model simulates the flow of vehicle traffic at a highway interchange. Pay attention how the traffic is controlled at traffic lights, and how the traffic merges at the highway on-ramps. A model such as this could be used to improve traffic congestion by experimenting with the rules and timing of the signals, and the length and lane designations for the roads. This is a Flexsim v4.5 model with all media contained within the same directory as the model; and can therefore, be saved to any directory on your computer. (912.6 KB) 01-13-2009 2522 0
Downloads  X_DVD_Assembly : This model follows the assembly of a DVD player. Data is drawn from an Excel spread sheet for number of parts to add at each station and process times. The model begins with a circuit board that goes through multiple tests and stations. The model ends with the completed DVD player being loaded into a box and placed on a cart. The model was built on top of an actual imported layout of the plant. This is a Flexsim v4.5 model with all media contained within the same directory as the model; and can therefore, be saved to any directory on your computer. (3.55 MB) 01-13-2009 2527 0
Downloads  X_CraneAGV : A visually appealing model showcasing cranes and AGVs in a mock alien production facility on a remote space station. This is a Flexsim v4.5 model with all media contained within the same directory as the model; and can therefore, be saved to any directory on your computer. Youtube video (4.31 MB) 01-13-2009 2508 0
Downloads  X_Bulk_Powder_Processing : This model demonstrates a bulk powder processing and packaging plant. Large sacks of various dry material are conveyed in and transported by fork truck to one of six cranes. The cranes lift and dump the sacks into hoppers where the material is gravity fed through granulators, mixers and baggers. Finished product is packaged into one of three bag sizes before being conveyed out of the system to an intermediate storage area. Global tables are setup in the model to allow you to easily change variables such as processing times, packaging times, equipment speeds, etc. This is a Flexsim v4.5 model with all media contained within the sa ... [more] (1.36 MB) 01-13-2009 2457 1
Downloads  X_Box_Packing_Line : This model demonstrates an automated box packaging line. A single part is placed in each box. The boxes are formed from pre-cut cardboard sheet at the automated box maker. After the box is loaded with a part at the packaging station, the box is conveyed to the sealer where its top flaps are closed and sealed. The box is then conveyed to a robot which loads 18 boxes on a pallet. The pallet is then stretch wrapped at the automated wrapper before exiting the model. This is a Flexsim v4.5 model with all media contained within the same directory as the model; and can therefore, be saved to any directory on your computer. Youtube video ... [more] (972.1 KB) 01-13-2009 2523 0
Downloads  X_Bottling_Line : This is a model of Flexsim's own green ooze bottling plant! Starting from raw plastic the bottles are created with an injection molding machine and then blown to size with a blow molding machine. We then follow the course of the bottles as they are cleaned, filled, capped, labeled, and boxed. This model is a good example of some visual tricks you can do to make your models look better. Changing frames of the object at different stages in the process to show it's progress. This is a Flexsim v4.5 model with all media contained within the same directory as the model; and can therefore, be saved to any directory on your computer. (3.80 MB) 01-13-2009 2509 0
Downloads  X_Automotive_Paint_Line : This model simulates an automotive paint line. The doors and car body come together as a matched set on an overhead conveyor system just before being dipped in a prime bath and then conveyed together through a paint booth containing six robotic paint sprayers. This sample model does a nice job of demonstrating 3D transparency effects. This is a Flexsim v4.5 model with all media contained within the same directory as the model; and can therefore, be saved to any directory on your computer. (680.3 KB) 01-13-2009 2314 0
Downloads  X_ASRS : THIS IS A VERSION 4.5 MODEL. VERSION 6 MODELS ARE AVAILABLE AT /downloadPages/cat&id=38 This model demonstrates an automated storage and retrieval system (ASRS). Parts are placed on a pallet, stored in racks by ASRS vehicles, then later retrieved from the racks and sent to trucks. This is a Flexsim v4.5 model with all media contained within the same directory as the model; and can therefore, be saved to any directory on your computer. Youtube video (905.6 KB) 01-13-2009 3558 1
Downloads  X_Airport _Security : This model evaluates passenger waiting times through an airport security checkpoint. Passengers and baggage are screened. A certain percentage of passengers must go through additional screening at hand wanding stations. A certain percentage of baggage must go through an additional sniff test. From a technical standpoint, this model is a good example of how to use taskexecuter flowitems that can travel a network like a taskexecuter but be processed like a flowitem. There are some tricks to having the people walk towards the end of the line of people in a queue and then move into the queue object with the rest of the people. This ... [more] (1.53 MB) 01-13-2009 2347 0
Downloads  X_Hot Rolling Mill : THIS IS A VERSION 4.52 MODEL. VERSION 6 MODELS ARE AVAILABLE AT /downloadPages/cat&id=38 This model simulates the milling process of hot rolled metal. Ingots of metal enter the system and are rolled out from shorter thicker pieces of metal to thinner longer pieces and are then cut at shearing stations into shippable ingots. See the in-model description for more information. This model is an excellent example of what's possible with the new "BasicConveyor" object! This is a Flexsim v4.52 model with all media contained within the same directory as the model; and can therefore, be sa ... [more] (1.79 MB) 08-24-2007 5745 1

DownloadsII 5.1.2 by CyberRanger & Jelle
Based on ecDownloads 4.1 © Ronin

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